
Ness Placement Paper

Hello frnds,
I got this pattern frm one of my frnd... hope this will help...
50 Questions from Aptitude........ 1 hour
out of this 50 questions
10 - Analytical reasoning.......
10- Logical reasoning English.... This is tough one prepare well.....
10 - comprehensive (passage reading)...... This is tough one prepare well.....
10- simple Mathematics....... very very easy.......
10-English Grammar......I think u can do ...

60 Questions from Tech.......... 1 hour
10-Data Structures.... read about graphs, tree traversal, stacks, ques, sorting algorithms.....

10- C....they asked from Exploring C ..... so be thorough with all examples and exercises......

10-C++ Basic Concepts...... From Balagurusamy.....
15- C++ programs.....From Balagurusamy... Concentrate more on inheritence, constructors and virtual functions.....

10- SQL Queries..... Study all basic commands like select, update, max, min, average and group by.......

5 - Client - Server ..... definitions of client server....

NCR Placement Paper

NCR Placement Paper and Sample Paper
The pattern for the company NCR Teradata in HYD.

The exam was of 1:45 and consisted of C,C++,Data Structures, total 4(5 Marks)

Note that the code or the values may not be correct.... Just get the concept.

Predict the o/p... each 1 mark

static int i;
Ans: 10

#define func1(a) #a
#define func2(a,b,c) a##b##c
Ans: func2(a,b,c)

const int* ptr;
int* ptr1;
int a=10;
const int p=20;

class a
virtual disp()
{ printf("In a");}
class b:public a
{ printf("In b");}
class c:public a
{ printf("In c");}
a obj;
b objb;
c objc;
Ans: "In a" "In a"

char *b="new str";
char *temp;

int m,i=1,j=0,k=-1;

class x
double b;
double *l;
float &c;
double g=10.34;
double *f=1.3;
float k=9;
x o;

Ans: Compiler Error

Write C/C++ code for following:

For all the probs, u will have decide on wht DS to use.... and u'r program must be efficient...explain in detail... (5 Marks)

1. Find the Kth smallest element in a Binary Tree. (5 Marks)

2. Each worker does a job and is given a rating +ve,-ve or Zero.

Find the MaxSubSequenceSum for given no. of workers.

Ex: Workers=6; Ratings={1,0,-1,4,5,-3}

MaxSubSequenceSum=4+5=9 (5 Marks)

3. 1 to N ppl sitting in a circle. Each one passes a hot potato to the next person. After M passes the person holding the potato is eliminated. The last person remaining is winner. Find winner for given N,M.

Ex: N=5, M=2, Winner=4 (5 Marks)

4. Reverse a given Linked List. (5 Marks)

5. There is a file called KnowledgeBase.txt which contains some words. Given a sub-string u have to find all the words which match the word in the file.

Ex: file contains a, ant, and, dog, pen.

If I give "an" I should get o/p as "ant, and" (10 Marks)

6. Company employee have id,level,no. of sub-ordinates under him...

If a emp leaves then his sub-ordinates are assigned to any of the emp's seniors...
Write four functions:

Nagaroo Placement Paper

There were two parts

1) aptitude duration 90 min
2) technical duration 60 min (for freshers) / 30 min (for exp)

In technical paper, we had a choice of three papers - Java, Vb, & C++. Iwrote on C++

In aptitude paper, they have 25 qns on maths and 25 on reasoning. Maths qns level is same as that of CAT. Mensuration, trignometry, interests etc. are asked. they alos provide you with some formulae on the back of the qpaper. pls note that not all the formulas will be used and not all that are needed are provided. there is negative marking in both papers (+3 & -1). I prepared for this section from IMS CAT material.

Find the output (4-5 qns on this)
Time complexity
Queue, deque, linked list
We can simulate queue using two stacks. Can we simulate two stacks using a queue? etc..

it was 90 mins. aptitude test (50 ques.) - comprising of maths aptitude(25 ques)(trigonometry,pythagoras theorem,basic geometry,mesuration,profit/loss,average,time/speed problems,etc.) and rest 25 ques. were analytical reasoning (eg.set of 5-6 ques. based on a set of statements....gre barrons style). next was the c++ test again 50 MCQ - they asked everything from inheritance to static variables to extern to pointers to data structures etc.

1) apptitude duration 1 hour
2) technical duration 45 min

in apptitude, they asked mostly about the geometry sudied in 9th &10th std. all the mensuration & pythagorus theorem. trapezium,
quadrilaterals, their properties, angles to be found. allmot every thing.In technical, they had 6-7 questions on code optimization and time complexity of c/c++ code. few questions on hashing technique and 3-4 on operating systems and networking. the c, c++ test was quite simple and it had general questions.that is all i remeber, i hope this helps u all.