Mphasis Placement Paper
A process is defined as
Ans. Program in execution
A thread is
Ans. Detachable unit of executable code)
What is the advantage of Win NT over Win 95
Ans. Robust and secure
How is memory management done in Win95
Ans. Through paging and segmentation
What is meant by polymorphism
Ans. Redfinition of a base class method in a derived class
What is the essential feature of inheritance
Ans. All properties of existing class are derived
What does the protocol FTP do
Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentification
In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol
Ans. Connection oriented
Why is a gateway used
Ans. To connect incompatible networks
How is linked list implemented
Ans. By referential structures
What method is used in Win95 in multitasking
Ans. Non preemptive check
What is meant by functional dependency
What is a semaphore
Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes
What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ /
Ans.( ) , ++, /
Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G
B-tree (failure nodes at same level)
Dense index (index record appers for every search -key in file)
What is the efficiency of merge sort
Ans. O(n log n)
A program on swaping ( 10,5 )was given (candidate cannot recollect)
In which layer are routers used
Ans.In network layer
In which layer are packets formed ( in network layer )
heap ( priority queue )
copy constructor ( constant reference )
Which of the following sorting algorithem has average sorting behavior --Bubble sort,merge sort,heap sort,exchange sort
Ans. Heap sort
In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values--Inorder ,post order,preorder
What are device drivers used for
Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware
Irrevalent to unix command ( getty)
What is fork command in unix
Ans. System call used to create process
What is make command in unix
Ans. Used forcreation of more than one file
Motorola Placement Paper
There are Three streams
1 hardware ( sps)
2 software (gsg)
3 dsp
ppt for 2 hours
salary 28000
hardware 13 questions 1hour and 15 minutes
software 20 questions
Hardware questions
Hardware questions
Draw the state transition diagram for sequence detector for the sequence 011. if the first bit detected is zero then SCRH should be asserted when the second bit is 1 the SCRH should remain asserted when the third bit is 1 the FOUND should be asserted and the SCRH should be disasserted. No bits should be left.
ts=0.5 and Th=0.7 (for the this is the setup time reqd and hold time reqd)
buffer has the delay of 1nsec
what is the setup time _________ns
what is the hold time ___________ns
for Each gate delay time is 0.5 ns
a. For each gate the delay time is 0.5 ns when will the glitch occur draw the glitch waveform.
b. How the circuit should be modified to avoid glitch.
describe the driving inverter? What inverter is weak and which has more strength? why?
what is the output of the following circuit?
Draw the output waveform for the following ckt Vtp=Vtn=1V
obtain expression for the output (the i/ps may not be in correct order)
Determine the output waveform input is
a. What is the output waveform
b. What will happen when the AND gate is replaced by OR gate
using 2:1 Mux and one inverter make XOR gate
using 2:1 Mux make a transparent latch (D f/f)
Design a ckt such that f (clk_out)=2 f (CLK_in) that is frequency doubling circuit is needed
Find the outputs of the following ckts
a). assume Vt = threshold voltage
Software questions:
Totally 20 questions were asked
* Most of them from C and datastructures (in equal nos)
* few from c++
Numbers sequential search has to compare ______ elements on worst and _______numbers on an average
Which of the following algorithm is not applicable for lived list representation of numbers
1. binary search 2. Sequential search 3. Selection sort
program to reverse a linked list all the variables 3 left pair of statements they give, we have to write the logic part
i.e. live
typedef struct link
int element;
struct link *next;
struct link rev(node *p)
node *t;
node *r=0;
exactly same type of question to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
they gave one program and asked what it is (it is fibonacci series)
int i=7;
printf("%d",i++*i++); what is the answer
int i=7;
printf("%d",i++*i++); what is the answer
7. struct code
{ int I;
int t;
/* some code */
what is wrong ?
semicolon is missing after structure declaration
Selection sort for N elements the no of comparisions needed and no of swapping
One question from heap sort
One question about breadth search
what is a language
* set of alphabet
* combination of alphabet
* strings of some alphabet
1 hardware ( sps)
2 software (gsg)
3 dsp
ppt for 2 hours
salary 28000
hardware 13 questions 1hour and 15 minutes
software 20 questions
Hardware questions
Hardware questions
Draw the state transition diagram for sequence detector for the sequence 011. if the first bit detected is zero then SCRH should be asserted when the second bit is 1 the SCRH should remain asserted when the third bit is 1 the FOUND should be asserted and the SCRH should be disasserted. No bits should be left.
ts=0.5 and Th=0.7 (for the this is the setup time reqd and hold time reqd)
buffer has the delay of 1nsec
what is the setup time _________ns
what is the hold time ___________ns
for Each gate delay time is 0.5 ns
a. For each gate the delay time is 0.5 ns when will the glitch occur draw the glitch waveform.
b. How the circuit should be modified to avoid glitch.
describe the driving inverter? What inverter is weak and which has more strength? why?
what is the output of the following circuit?
Draw the output waveform for the following ckt Vtp=Vtn=1V
obtain expression for the output (the i/ps may not be in correct order)
Determine the output waveform input is
a. What is the output waveform
b. What will happen when the AND gate is replaced by OR gate
using 2:1 Mux and one inverter make XOR gate
using 2:1 Mux make a transparent latch (D f/f)
Design a ckt such that f (clk_out)=2 f (CLK_in) that is frequency doubling circuit is needed
Find the outputs of the following ckts
a). assume Vt = threshold voltage
Software questions:
Totally 20 questions were asked
* Most of them from C and datastructures (in equal nos)
* few from c++
Numbers sequential search has to compare ______ elements on worst and _______numbers on an average
Which of the following algorithm is not applicable for lived list representation of numbers
1. binary search 2. Sequential search 3. Selection sort
program to reverse a linked list all the variables 3 left pair of statements they give, we have to write the logic part
i.e. live
typedef struct link
int element;
struct link *next;
struct link rev(node *p)
node *t;
node *r=0;
exactly same type of question to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
they gave one program and asked what it is (it is fibonacci series)
int i=7;
printf("%d",i++*i++); what is the answer
int i=7;
printf("%d",i++*i++); what is the answer
7. struct code
{ int I;
int t;
/* some code */
what is wrong ?
semicolon is missing after structure declaration
Selection sort for N elements the no of comparisions needed and no of swapping
One question from heap sort
One question about breadth search
what is a language
* set of alphabet
* combination of alphabet
* strings of some alphabet
Max-Soft Placement Paper
Electronics Design Automation Domain (EDAD)
1. Which transmission line supports Quasi-TEM
a) Stripline b) Microstrip Line c) Coupled Stripline d) Coaxial Line
2. Two isotropic antennas are separated by a distance of 2 wavelengths, if both the antennas are fed with currents of equal phase and magnitude the number of lobes in the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane are
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
3. Given S-parameter corresponds to which microwave component
a) Power Divider b) Coupler c) Circulator d) Filter
4. EMPIRE is based on which method
a) FEM b) BEM c) FDTD d) MOM
5. 1 watt is
a) 10dBm b) 20dBm c) 30dBm d) 40dBm
6. Where is the LNA placed
a) Between Antenna and BPF
b) Between Antenna and Power Amplifier
c) Between Antenna and Mixer
d) Between Mixer and Antenna
7. A rectangular air filled wave-guide has cross section of 4cm x 10 cm. The minimum frequency which can propagate in the wave-guide is
a) 1.5 GHz b) 2 GHz c) 2.5 GHz d) 3.5 GHz
8. A 1km long microwave link uses two antennas each having 30dB gain. If the power transmitted by one antenna is 1w at 3GHz the power received by the other antenna is
a) 98.6 m watts b) 63.4 m watts c) 76.8 m watts d) 55.2 m watts
9. Which of the following is True or False
a) Data rate is inversely proportional to Distance
b) Antenna acts as a load
c) Directivity is inversely proportional to Distance
d) Patch antenna is used in high power applications.
10. The far-field region is commonly taken to exist at (D is the maximum overall dimension of the source)
a) Distances greater than 2D2/ from the source
b) Distances lesser than /4 from the source
c) Distances greater than /4 from the source
d) Distances lesser than 2D2/ from the source
11. If the frequency were 12GHz, what would be the wavelength?
a) 25mm b) 2.5mm c) 0.25 mm d) 250mm
12. What is the frequency range if the antenna is operating at Ku-band?
a) 4-8GHz b) 8-12GHz c) 12-18GHz d) 18-27GHz
13. For a given permittivity of 4 and permeability of 2, what is the wave impedance?
a) 266.5 b) 533.0 c) 377.0 d) 133.2
14. In Smith chart, what is the wavelength it will cover for the first 1800 or first half circle.
a) b) /2 c) /4 d) 2
15. If source impedance is 50 Ohms and the load impedance is 100 Ohms, what will be the line impedance of the Quarter Wave Transformer?
a) 14.14 Ohms b) 50 Ohms c) 1.414 Ohms d) 70.7 Ohms
16. Compute the skin depth of copper at a frequency of 20GHz. (Conductivity of copper = 5.813 x 107 mho).
a) 8.14 x 10-7 b) 6.6 x 10-7 c) 6.4 x 10-7 d) 4.6 x 10-7
17. Zigbee network is mainly used for
a) Signaling and Monitoring
b) High Speed Data Transfer
c) Voice Transfer
d) Video Transmission
18. Ideal Power Supply has
a) Zero internal resistance
b) High O/P resistance
c) High I/P resistance
d) Low O/P resistance
19. Which type of transmission line will have maximum value of characteristic impedance
a) Open Wire line
b) Coaxial Cable
c) Twin lead line
d) None
20. Write the relation between Standing Wave Ratio and Reflection Coefficient?
21. Draw the equivalent circuit of the transmission line.
22. What is resonance?
23. Write syntax to define a function in MATLAB.
24. Mention few applications of EMPIRE.
25. What is the size of a pointer?
1. Which transmission line supports Quasi-TEM
a) Stripline b) Microstrip Line c) Coupled Stripline d) Coaxial Line
2. Two isotropic antennas are separated by a distance of 2 wavelengths, if both the antennas are fed with currents of equal phase and magnitude the number of lobes in the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane are
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
3. Given S-parameter corresponds to which microwave component
a) Power Divider b) Coupler c) Circulator d) Filter
4. EMPIRE is based on which method
a) FEM b) BEM c) FDTD d) MOM
5. 1 watt is
a) 10dBm b) 20dBm c) 30dBm d) 40dBm
6. Where is the LNA placed
a) Between Antenna and BPF
b) Between Antenna and Power Amplifier
c) Between Antenna and Mixer
d) Between Mixer and Antenna
7. A rectangular air filled wave-guide has cross section of 4cm x 10 cm. The minimum frequency which can propagate in the wave-guide is
a) 1.5 GHz b) 2 GHz c) 2.5 GHz d) 3.5 GHz
8. A 1km long microwave link uses two antennas each having 30dB gain. If the power transmitted by one antenna is 1w at 3GHz the power received by the other antenna is
a) 98.6 m watts b) 63.4 m watts c) 76.8 m watts d) 55.2 m watts
9. Which of the following is True or False
a) Data rate is inversely proportional to Distance
b) Antenna acts as a load
c) Directivity is inversely proportional to Distance
d) Patch antenna is used in high power applications.
10. The far-field region is commonly taken to exist at (D is the maximum overall dimension of the source)
a) Distances greater than 2D2/ from the source
b) Distances lesser than /4 from the source
c) Distances greater than /4 from the source
d) Distances lesser than 2D2/ from the source
11. If the frequency were 12GHz, what would be the wavelength?
a) 25mm b) 2.5mm c) 0.25 mm d) 250mm
12. What is the frequency range if the antenna is operating at Ku-band?
a) 4-8GHz b) 8-12GHz c) 12-18GHz d) 18-27GHz
13. For a given permittivity of 4 and permeability of 2, what is the wave impedance?
a) 266.5 b) 533.0 c) 377.0 d) 133.2
14. In Smith chart, what is the wavelength it will cover for the first 1800 or first half circle.
a) b) /2 c) /4 d) 2
15. If source impedance is 50 Ohms and the load impedance is 100 Ohms, what will be the line impedance of the Quarter Wave Transformer?
a) 14.14 Ohms b) 50 Ohms c) 1.414 Ohms d) 70.7 Ohms
16. Compute the skin depth of copper at a frequency of 20GHz. (Conductivity of copper = 5.813 x 107 mho).
a) 8.14 x 10-7 b) 6.6 x 10-7 c) 6.4 x 10-7 d) 4.6 x 10-7
17. Zigbee network is mainly used for
a) Signaling and Monitoring
b) High Speed Data Transfer
c) Voice Transfer
d) Video Transmission
18. Ideal Power Supply has
a) Zero internal resistance
b) High O/P resistance
c) High I/P resistance
d) Low O/P resistance
19. Which type of transmission line will have maximum value of characteristic impedance
a) Open Wire line
b) Coaxial Cable
c) Twin lead line
d) None
20. Write the relation between Standing Wave Ratio and Reflection Coefficient?
21. Draw the equivalent circuit of the transmission line.
22. What is resonance?
23. Write syntax to define a function in MATLAB.
24. Mention few applications of EMPIRE.
25. What is the size of a pointer?
Mtnl Placement Paper
1.what is a aquadag.
2.about the quiscent condition
3.cassegrain feedis used with parabolic reflector to
allow the feed convenient position. $
4. configuration of cascade.
ce cc,cbce, none
5.resistors is measured in a) ohms
b) watts. c) both
6.if diameter of radar is >> 4 times $
how much range is increased ans)4
7.n type have which type of impurity
8.semiconductor strain gauge over the normal strain gauge is around.$
9.why slicon is prefeered
10. what is w2/w1=4 relationship is called $
11.which one is best outof(near about)
nyqiust,bode, routhz
12.wein bridge frequecy conditions
13.The ,h, parameter equivalent circuit of a junction transistor is
valid for â€"
a). High frequency, large signal operation
b.) High frequency, small signal operation
c.) Low frequency, small signal operation
d). Low frequency, large signal operation
14. comparater is used for?
15. astable and bistable uses
16. to increase input z u will prefer
a). Current series feedback
b). Current shunt feedback
c). Voltage series feedback
d). Voltage shunt feedback
17.. Enhancement type P channel MOSFET the gate voltage is
+,-,+ &-
18 which gate gives 0 when i/p is 1
19. decimal have radix ?
20 what is binary for 10
21 one value was given SN72 like that ,u have to tell
which device it means.
22. what does the sync mean in tv tramnsmission. $
23. question on transformer coupling(i didnt remember)
24. where the double tunning is used in radio receivers.
25. sequential circuit dependence on input and output.$
26.question on power receiveed by the receiver in tramsmmission
27.the probability density function of envelope of narrow
band noise is gaussian...............................
28. what isthe output of given IC .
29.if quantization level is incresed from 8--->9 then what is the
30. a figure was given and we have identify thec circuit. closed loop if u are having m=100 and negative feedback
is .04,what is gain
32.k maps was given u have to give the right pairings.
33.a question on bandwidth
34.fourier series coprises of
35.stalites works in which frequency $
vhf,uhf,both which u can prepare a binary counter. $
37.q based on use of schotky diode
38. q based on the use of varactor diode.
39.q based on allignment in paramagnetic materials.
40.which equipment uses minimum power.
41. it both input of nand gate is high,give the o/p. many bits are required to reepresent 35 in binary.
43.what is CMRR.
44.if current in zener is increased then what happens.(near about).
45.for,thermistor if temperature is increased then then temperature
46.relation between B(beta) and Ic in bjt
47.the resistance of loudspeaker is nearly
ohms,k ohms,m ohms,
48.early state in bjt is due i/p applies,
on time,off time,....
aptitude section
aptitiude q
antonymns of
1. debonair
6.a very simple passage followed by 5n scoring q,s
7.5 question to pick the wrong part in sentences
maths part time taken by 4 men to do work is 98.if 3 more
person are involved they the will finsh the work of 298 hrs
in how many more days
2. dicount offered by 3 shopownwer
15 and 10
20 and 10
which is the most discounted
3.15^3-14^3/15^2+210+14^2 solve it
4. (312)^.5 * (201)^.5 solve it
5.radius of 2 circle and revolution of one was given,find the other
6. 7 know french ,8 know german ,3 know none ,find how many know both.
7. 80 %failed in maths, 70 %in english ,10 % failed in both,total
no is 144.find total strength.? $
8.if watch is always makes error of 4 second (+)/hours,what will be
time on 22 day 8 am when it was last corrested on 21 day 1 pm
9 q based on day of birth ?
1. cube face q(same of any two side is 7) $
2. relationships based simple q .(8 in no in total)
3. dog:caninne governor: ??? $
4. 0,6,24,36,120,312(approx likethat) what should not be there $
5 123456:234556 345678:???
2.about the quiscent condition
3.cassegrain feedis used with parabolic reflector to
allow the feed convenient position. $
4. configuration of cascade.
ce cc,cbce, none
5.resistors is measured in a) ohms
b) watts. c) both
6.if diameter of radar is >> 4 times $
how much range is increased ans)4
7.n type have which type of impurity
8.semiconductor strain gauge over the normal strain gauge is around.$
9.why slicon is prefeered
10. what is w2/w1=4 relationship is called $
11.which one is best outof(near about)
nyqiust,bode, routhz
12.wein bridge frequecy conditions
13.The ,h, parameter equivalent circuit of a junction transistor is
valid for â€"
a). High frequency, large signal operation
b.) High frequency, small signal operation
c.) Low frequency, small signal operation
d). Low frequency, large signal operation
14. comparater is used for?
15. astable and bistable uses
16. to increase input z u will prefer
a). Current series feedback
b). Current shunt feedback
c). Voltage series feedback
d). Voltage shunt feedback
17.. Enhancement type P channel MOSFET the gate voltage is
+,-,+ &-
18 which gate gives 0 when i/p is 1
19. decimal have radix ?
20 what is binary for 10
21 one value was given SN72 like that ,u have to tell
which device it means.
22. what does the sync mean in tv tramnsmission. $
23. question on transformer coupling(i didnt remember)
24. where the double tunning is used in radio receivers.
25. sequential circuit dependence on input and output.$
26.question on power receiveed by the receiver in tramsmmission
27.the probability density function of envelope of narrow
band noise is gaussian...............................
28. what isthe output of given IC .
29.if quantization level is incresed from 8--->9 then what is the
30. a figure was given and we have identify thec circuit. closed loop if u are having m=100 and negative feedback
is .04,what is gain
32.k maps was given u have to give the right pairings.
33.a question on bandwidth
34.fourier series coprises of
35.stalites works in which frequency $
vhf,uhf,both which u can prepare a binary counter. $
37.q based on use of schotky diode
38. q based on the use of varactor diode.
39.q based on allignment in paramagnetic materials.
40.which equipment uses minimum power.
41. it both input of nand gate is high,give the o/p. many bits are required to reepresent 35 in binary.
43.what is CMRR.
44.if current in zener is increased then what happens.(near about).
45.for,thermistor if temperature is increased then then temperature
46.relation between B(beta) and Ic in bjt
47.the resistance of loudspeaker is nearly
ohms,k ohms,m ohms,
48.early state in bjt is due i/p applies,
on time,off time,....
aptitude section
aptitiude q
antonymns of
1. debonair
6.a very simple passage followed by 5n scoring q,s
7.5 question to pick the wrong part in sentences
maths part time taken by 4 men to do work is 98.if 3 more
person are involved they the will finsh the work of 298 hrs
in how many more days
2. dicount offered by 3 shopownwer
15 and 10
20 and 10
which is the most discounted
3.15^3-14^3/15^2+210+14^2 solve it
4. (312)^.5 * (201)^.5 solve it
5.radius of 2 circle and revolution of one was given,find the other
6. 7 know french ,8 know german ,3 know none ,find how many know both.
7. 80 %failed in maths, 70 %in english ,10 % failed in both,total
no is 144.find total strength.? $
8.if watch is always makes error of 4 second (+)/hours,what will be
time on 22 day 8 am when it was last corrested on 21 day 1 pm
9 q based on day of birth ?
1. cube face q(same of any two side is 7) $
2. relationships based simple q .(8 in no in total)
3. dog:caninne governor: ??? $
4. 0,6,24,36,120,312(approx likethat) what should not be there $
5 123456:234556 345678:???
Moscot Placement Paper
Total 6 sections.
1)Computer Fundamentals
5)General Awareness
* All together 60 questions with each section containing 10 questions.
* All are multiple choice questions
1. One Nibble = ?
2. Hexadecimal and Octal representation of 1024 ?
3. What a compiler does ?
4. DOS ? (whether Graphical interface or Character interface and two more
choices are given)
5. CPU - abbrevation
6. Fortran used as ( Ans : Scientific Language)
7. ASCII character set ? (total number)
8. Windows NT- What NT stands for?
9. Which is not an input device ? (keyboard, Disk, Mouse,Lightpen)
10. Which is not a pointing device ?( mouse,Joy stick,lightpen none)
11. Microsoft Chief ?
12. 4GL ? (Fortran,SQL,ADA, ....)
13. Father of Computers?
14. Which of them is Object Oriented Language.?
15. Power PC is the product of ? (Microsoft,IBM,Apple,Motorola,Intel)
(A combination of any correct 3 companies)
16. Latest processor used ? (Pentium, Power PC, Pentium pro,none)
17. MS Word is ?
18. First Super Computer built in India. (Ans : param)
19. Which of the following companies donot manufacture chips?
(Microsoft, Motorola, Intel, HP)
20. LAN - abbrevation
21. WAN - abbrevation
22. Modem is ?
(related to electrical hardware.- Like Modulator&demodulator)
23. FDD - abbrevation ( floppy disk drive)
24. BIT - abbrevation
25. Information is ? (message, data,processed data,none)
26. Which is not networking ?(internet,ethernet,arcnet,none)
27. One Gigabyte =?( 2 power30 , 2 power 20 ,2 power 10 none)
28. Which of the following is not RDBMS ? (sybase, SQL,Acess,none)_
29. Oracle is ? (Ans : Relationasl Data Base Management System)
30. In Oracle, Table means ( Ans : Collection of records)
31. DMA - abbrevation (Direct Memory Access,Discrete memory Access,
Disk memoryaccess)
32. What is meant byStatic Variable ?
33. What is meant by QUEUE? {refer any data structures text}
34. What is meant by STACK? {refer any data structures text}
35. The processor used in first IBM PC? (8086,8088,zig4,intel)
36. Difference between 80286 and 80287
37. In bubble sort , no. of comparisons required ?
(ans : formula : N*(N-1)/2)
38. No. of comparisons of an item in 100 items by binary comparison?
( 10,25,50 100)
39. CRT - (Cathode Ray Tube)
40. No. of entryvalues are there in ideally in a subroutine.
41. Binary tree?
42. Flow in one direction ? (Single linked list,Double linked
43. Electron screen size ? (here, 2 lines of algorithm is given.
Name the algoirithm)
44. Which is not storage device.? (printer,CD ROM,Disk,none)
45. A question regarding memory ? ( least used memory,recently unused
46. ISO - (International Standard Organisation)
47. HTML - (Hyper Text Makeup Language)
48. Flow chart for factorial N? (ans :choice a)
49. What is meant by Recursion ?
Total 6 sections.
1)Computer Fundamentals
5)General Awareness
* All together 60 questions with each section containing 10 questions.
* All are multiple choice questions
1. One Nibble = ?
2. Hexadecimal and Octal representation of 1024 ?
3. What a compiler does ?
4. DOS ? (whether Graphical interface or Character interface and two more
choices are given)
5. CPU - abbrevation
6. Fortran used as ( Ans : Scientific Language)
7. ASCII character set ? (total number)
8. Windows NT- What NT stands for?
9. Which is not an input device ? (keyboard, Disk, Mouse,Lightpen)
10. Which is not a pointing device ?( mouse,Joy stick,lightpen none)
11. Microsoft Chief ?
12. 4GL ? (Fortran,SQL,ADA, ....)
13. Father of Computers?
14. Which of them is Object Oriented Language.?
15. Power PC is the product of ? (Microsoft,IBM,Apple,Motorola,Intel)
(A combination of any correct 3 companies)
16. Latest processor used ? (Pentium, Power PC, Pentium pro,none)
17. MS Word is ?
18. First Super Computer built in India. (Ans : param)
19. Which of the following companies donot manufacture chips?
(Microsoft, Motorola, Intel, HP)
20. LAN - abbrevation
21. WAN - abbrevation
22. Modem is ?
(related to electrical hardware.- Like Modulator&demodulator)
23. FDD - abbrevation ( floppy disk drive)
24. BIT - abbrevation
25. Information is ? (message, data,processed data,none)
26. Which is not networking ?(internet,ethernet,arcnet,none)
27. One Gigabyte =?( 2 power30 , 2 power 20 ,2 power 10 none)
28. Which of the following is not RDBMS ? (sybase, SQL,Acess,none)_
29. Oracle is ? (Ans : Relationasl Data Base Management System)
30. In Oracle, Table means ( Ans : Collection of records)
31. DMA - abbrevation (Direct Memory Access,Discrete memory Access,
Disk memoryaccess)
32. What is meant byStatic Variable ?
33. What is meant by QUEUE? {refer any data structures text}
34. What is meant by STACK? {refer any data structures text}
35. The processor used in first IBM PC? (8086,8088,zig4,intel)
36. Difference between 80286 and 80287
37. In bubble sort , no. of comparisons required ?
(ans : formula : N*(N-1)/2)
38. No. of comparisons of an item in 100 items by binary comparison?
( 10,25,50 100)
39. CRT - (Cathode Ray Tube)
40. No. of entryvalues are there in ideally in a subroutine.
41. Binary tree?
42. Flow in one direction ? (Single linked list,Double linked
43. Electron screen size ? (here, 2 lines of algorithm is given.
Name the algoirithm)
44. Which is not storage device.? (printer,CD ROM,Disk,none)
45. A question regarding memory ? ( least used memory,recently unused
46. ISO - (International Standard Organisation)
47. HTML - (Hyper Text Makeup Language)
48. Flow chart for factorial N? (ans :choice a)
49. What is meant by Recursion ?
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