THESE ARE purely from R.S.Agarwal and also direct questions.
If u remember the answer u can directly chose the answers.
This section consists of 20 questions. the part B is quite tough. But if ur an IT guy, don't worry.
Most questions are from c,c++,java. "see most questions are asked from pointers only". the other questions are from microcontroller, circuit theory(only 2 ques),digital logic(very easy).
they will give a program on the question paper and we should chose the output from the choices given(for c,c++,jave).
also 2 questions were asked from SQL(easy). company is small one but they are offering good salary.
Lcube Placement Paper
L & T Placement Paper
1) What is a smith chart used for
2) How is impedance matching done and why do we need it (basically can talk about ideal power supply needing a low internal resistance and high load to function properly. so one stage of transistor amplifier has to have low o/p resistance and high i/p resistance for next stage- do look up all basic electronics) ( also about sinking high currents without damage)
3) Name all flipflops u know and working esp. master slave.
4) C programming - program to find how many 1's are present in an integer variable using bitwise operators. something about dynamic allocation, static functions, macros
5) c++ virtual functions
6) what types of control r there
8) Though i did mention that i was most comfortable with digital systems, microprocessors, i was asked only one or 2 questions on this topic like what is program counter, stack operation, etc.
9) A lot about final year project.
10) All electives, and subjects mentioned in CV.
11) CV as in most companies, is inspected very carefully during interview. so be careful what u put there lest they ask u something u are not prepared for.
Part 1:-> Psychometric test.
Easiest thing in the world. Eight figures with you having to predict the ninth. Just use some common sense and u r thru this test. A WORD OF CAUTION tho; plz. do not waste time on a question if u r not sure ,just come back later n then do it. (36questions- 40minutes.)
Part 2:-> Engineering syllabus based Technical Test
Some of the questions r a s follows:-
a) What is reverse engineering.
b) Octal of some binary number(comes to 165 in decimal after conversion).
c) A cobol prog with an integer array(I guess coz i did not have Cobol in my syllabus).
d) A problem on Depth first search(very simple).
e) Question on Grammar's frm Theory of computer science.
f) Something like Select the correct option when A Subset of(B Subset of(A Intersection B).if B is completely contained by A.
g) A question on memory(quite simple).
h) A couyple of questions on C(one on pointers).
We were given the topic "Do u think women make better managers?"A debatable topic , but we merely agreed with each other and no big problem with it.
Papers -2
1.APM-arithemetic progression matrices 36 questions -40 minutes
2.computer basis -like OP,UNIX,cobol,....(only basic questions )-40 questions -30 minutes.,for all branches the pattern is samefor APM they gave a booklet author-j.v.raven(not sure )very easy even though those who didn't receive call letter after applying don't worry it will end in a walkin. computer questions ex:why goto statement must be avoided,function of engineering reversal, specification&design are related by (followed by venn diagram),some questions in pascal...two c program using while and for staements,
The second part is of 30 minutes and covers various (IMHO irrelevant) topics. Some more questions.
Remember all are multiple choice questions with either 4 or 5 options so you have at least a 20-25% chance of being right even if you are clueless. No negative marking.
1. what is an inode in unix?
2. small program in pascal to add a node to a linked list. (You have totell what the program does)
3. C strcmp program (You have to tell what the program does)
4. set of dos commands testing basic familiarity with dir, ren *.t?t, cd etc.
5. what is the order of binary search?
6. what is the order of strassens matrix multiplication?
7. you have to maintain the sorted order of integers and insert integers . which data structure would you use? (tree, list, queue, array?)
8. There are two lists of integers to be merged. Which method would you not use?
9. In an online database system when is data written to disk? (on pressing enter, when commit
or update is encountered, at end of data, all of the above) (was clueless! )
10. Small prolog function which prints 2345true. You need to tell output.
11. Convert this binary into octal. 010 100 101
12. Lisp program given. what does it do? (GCD, LCM, Multiplies mxn?)
13. What is paging?
14. what is segmentation?
15. 2/3 questions on equivalence class, associative and commutative properties.
16. question on poset.
17. one figure given, give regular expression for it (very basic)
Sample Paper 2
1. a( [ B ( [A^ C]]
where '(' and '^' are symbols related to SET and '^' is not exact
symbol , it is curved not conical(due to limitation of
key board ), represents"union"
a. has no sense
b.It is associative as well as commutative
2.2's complement of given Binary number
3. Octal Equivalent of a Binary number
4.Given --
Ac + AB + BC =
a. AC
b. BC+AC
Kshema Placement Paper
2. How is the struct functionality different in C and in C++.
3. What is the difference between the following
a. i=i+1;
b. ++i;
ANS: ++i is a single instruction while in i=i+1, first i+1 is computed and
then assigned.
4. What is the difference between the two files.
# include...........
int i;
void main()
# include
static int i;
void main()
ANS: While in this case for both the programs... the scope and lifetime of
variable 'i' is throughout the program..... the value of 'i' is not.
For eg. if 'i=2' in the file1.c, any other program accessing this
variable from outside will still see the value of i as 2.
Whereas in File2.c if the variable 'i' is accessed from any other
program its value will always be seen as 0
Reason: For static variables their values are active only within the
COMPILE AREA of where it is declared or in the program where it is declared.
4. Explain the OSI layer and TCP/IP layer and their differences.
5. Explain the difference in memory management in Windows and Linux if there
are any.
6. What are the differences between C++ in windows and C++ in Linux.
7. Explain some api's used in Networking (in LINUX and WINDOWS)
8. What is exception handling and how is it different from error
handling...... Why is exception handling used instead of error handling in
some cases and vice versa.
9. What is Hashing in Datastructures and why is it used. What the criteris
for Hashing and explain some of them.
10. What are the criterias to be considered for Searching algorithms.
ANS: The size of the list and whether it is sorted.(these two are apparently
most important.... and that is the answer they expect)
11. What is the key aspect of Object Oriented Programming
ANS: DATA ABSTRACTION (I personally felt "data encapsulation"...... but
apparently the former mentioned was and is correct)
12. Explain sliding window protocol.
13. What is the SELECT() API in networking.
1.difference between C / C++
2.Explanation of OOP principles
-Data Abstraction.
-Data Encapsulation
-Dynamic Binding.
-Reduction of Errors.
3.What is a Friend Function ? Explain with an Example.
4.Is the following code an Example of Dynamic Binding Explain?
class Base
virtual Bool Dosomething()
class Derived1: public Base
Bool Dosomething();
class Derived2: public Base
Bool Dosomething();
void main()
Derived1 derived1;
Derived2 derived2;
::Process(Base& Object)
Answer: In the processfunction above the downcasting is done while passing
parameters and in the function body upcasting is done so
object.dosomething() will be dynamic binding ( i am unable to explain the
answer in clear terms....but the line of thinking is something like
5.What will happen if in the above code in the base class the keyword
virtual is removed?
Answer: IF virtual is removed from the function declaration. when the
process function is called it calls the Dosomething function of the
Baseclass itself rather than the derived classes.
6.What is a circular queue? Why is it better than a normal queue? and Give
some practical Examples of usage of circular queue
Scheduling Processes&Resources (esp in Operating Systems.)
used as a circular buffer especially in Embedded Systems(because memory
is a constraint).
7.What is Hashing? Explain the procedure to obtain a hashing table.
8.Give a brief presentation of your 8th Semester Project.
Kpit Cummins Infosystem Ltd. Placement Paper
into two Sections.
Section 1: (20 questions from simple arithmetic and reasoning test)
Section 2: (15 questions, all from English. Replace a sentence by the
another given sentence)
TIME: 30 min.
1.There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions
are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be
spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes
should be spent on mathematics problems
2. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is
composed of girls
A.y/(x + y)
C.x/(x + y)
3. If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ?
B. 4
C. 2
D. 8
Ans. D
4. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how
much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the
A. D/(M-3)
B. MD/3
C. M/(D-3)
D. 3D/(M2-3M)
Ans. D
5. . To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure
water. What is % alcohol.
Ans : 15%
6. Appu received the salary in Sunday. In Monday he expenses ¼ th of
his salary. In Tuesday he expenses 2/3 rd of his remaining salary. What
parts of salary are left?
Ans : 1/4 th
7. Some simple problems from Blood Relations.
8. There were 5 questions from data Sufficiency. Like,
Statement : A number is divisible by 12.
Data : (1)It is divisible by 3
(2)It is divisible by 4
A. Data (1) along sufficient.
B. Data (2) along sufficient.
C. Both (1) and (2) are required.
9. There were 5 questions from sitting arrangement reasoning.
KPIT Cummins Infosystem Limited Placement Paper and Sample Paper
A person traveled 4 sides of the triangle with speed of a 100, 200, 300,
400 km/hr. what is the average speed of the whole journey. Ans 192 km/hr.
ow many times 3 occur from 3 to 3333.
A=1, B=1. do 5 times and find the value of A.
Add 1 to B.
A * B.
Assign this result to A.
Ans 720
9 circles of diameter of 2 each are in the square. Find the height of a
There were three rows each having 3 circles.
5 questions on data sufficiency.
one set of 5 analytical question. A, B, C, D, E are five cities. A group visits each of the cities by turn. C will not be visited second. One city will be visited after A but before D. B will be visited either before E or D.
shyam travels at half the speed of ram in opposite directions towards the station. At first day ram was 5min. late for the station and met shyam at a distance of 1 km. early from the station. At second day ram was 10 min. late and met shyam at the station. Find total time for which ram was late. Rest of the questions I will send as I come to know.
Keen Placement Paper
Qualifying mark: 50% marks in each section. (sometimes it is 60%)
Paper consists of 3 sections. No separate timing for each section. You can divide it as and how u wish.
section 1: Mathematical Ability & Aptitude---------30 marks
section 2: Verbal and Comprehension-----------------25 marks
section 3: Computer Basics & Logical reasoning---20 marks
SECTION 1: Mathematical Ability & Aptitude-----30 marks
* Number systems like--
How many numbers between 100 and 200 are odd, divisible by 3, but not by 7?
Also on lcm, hcf, etc.
*Time &work
*Areas and volumes, length of chord etc.
SECTION 2: Verbal and Comprehension-----------------25 marks
Analogies---5---5 marks
Antonyms---5---5 marks
Reading Comprehension----2 passages (big but easily understandable)--- 2*5=10 marks
Arrange the sentences--------5 questions, 5 marks, each question is as follows.........
P: Alas! she had only 30 rupees with her.
Q: Bindu got late for the exam and she started in a hurry.
R: She called an auto and he demanded 50 rupees..
S: She blamed her hurry, as in hurry, she forgot to bring more money.
T: She went to the busstop and there were no buses.
The following is the exact order of sentences:
a) PRSTQ b) QTRPS c) RSQPT d)QPRTS e)none of these
Answer :b
SECTION 3: Computer Basics & Logical reasoning---20 marks
Computer Basics----very very easy------10 marks
Logical Reasoning------ 10 arks, 10 questions, each question is like this........
P: All girls are Bindus.
Q: Some Bindus are boys.
R: All Bindus are boys.
S: Some boys are not girls.
T:All girls are boys.
U:All boys are girls.
The following sentences are logically related:
a) UTQ b) PQS c) TSP d) RPS e) QSP
Answer : b
There will be 4, 5 sets of question papers. So, each one will get a different question paper.
The model of the paper itself seems tough(for me, atleast) and one would end up with no time.
Hence, to get through this paper, TIME MANAGEMENT is the crucial factor. One needs to keep
oneself cool too, while answering the paper.
1) first personal
2) asked about cobol,basic fundamentals
3) about project (i have done vb,oracle) so that there were
questions about sql,queries
4) 2 questions on arithmatic like(2 trains starting in opposite
direction one bird flying and so on...)
5) 2 questions on management life if u are head of a school
and there are no profits for ur school, then what will u do?
6) last about family background ?
1) c concepts,programs asked to write
2) c++(virtual functions,static ,polymorphism)
3) cobol divisions
4) project questions(asp)
5) data base questions
6) some personal details and 3 puzzles like largest number
with 6 numbers etc.
7) about my ur self.
1) project
2) dead lock and prevention,detection methods
3) page faults with example
4) OSI reference model
5) swaping with out using 3rd variable
6) inorder, preorder, postorder(data structures traversals with example)
7) some sql queries containing having, orderby, groupby and subqueries
8) multi level threads, multi tasking difference
9) query for count the employees departmentwise
10) database types
11) diff. b/w dbms and rdbms
12) tcp/ip networking model
13) diff. b/w ring topology and bus topology
14) hr question : if u r officer incharge of hitech city like a plane
crashes into wto towers a plane crashes into the hitech city
then what r the measures taken by you to save the people inside
the building ?
15) diff b/w physical memory and logical memory ?
16) query for converting one to many relation in to a one to one relation ?
for this he was given his own table !
17) binary search algorithm ?
1) about my self
2) about project
3) computer networks- in which layer router is used
4) stack program
5) types of a database - explain them
main stress on relational database.
6) what is compaction.
7) operating system.
1) normalization
2) data abstraction
3) use of trees
4) types of data base systems
5) finding an element in hierarchical database
6) sql queries
7) operator overloading, overloading ---> difference
8) polymorphism implementation
9) tcp / ip
10) osi/iso layers
11) differences in tcp and iso
12) functions of layers in tcp,iso
13) relation between primary key,foreign key
1) questions on my project
2) what is ur favourite subject
i answered 'neutral networks'
3) what is ur favourite programming lang.
my answer is 'c'
4) they asked me to write a program for bubble sort ?
5) wap to print pyramid of stars?
6) program to check whether the given no is armstrong
number or not?
7) they asked one question on o.s.concepts ?
8) a puzzle "there are three bulbs in a room and there
r three switches outside the room........" ?
9) another puzzle "there r 2 stations a and b of distance of 200km
and two trains start from each station oppositely...."
10) do u have any doubts ?
Kanbay Placement Paper
1. Series 1-10-3-9-5-8-7-7-9-6-?-?
Ans 11,5
2. Series Ans EK
3. Series Ans 8
4. If '+' is replaced by 'x' and .... Ans 24;
5. Rahul 12th from right and 4th from left . How many men should be added in the queue to make a group of 28. Ans 13
6. A person spent 21 pounds in a drink party. If the vodka costs twice that of beer. And lemonade cost is 1/2 of beer. How much this person is spent for beer. Ans 6 pounds
7. What is odd in this sequence?
i) T.T. ii) Volleyball iii) Badminton ..... Ans Volleyball(check)
8. Cat : Mouse Ans Bird : Worm
9. A dog grows ........ ? Ans 8(check)
10. A boy is going with a dog Lucky. He has a bottle full of water. He drinks 1/3 and gives 1/2 of rest to the dog and then he drinks 1/4 of the rest then what will the fraction of total water remaining. Ans 1/12
11. A person goes towards north 10m, then turns to west 5m, then turns south ...... ? Ans North
12. A person goes forward 10m , turns to his right and walks 5m, then he always turns left 5,15,15 then what will be the displacement from starting point? Ans 10 or 5(check)
13. A cuboid of dimensions 8x5x4 cm3 How many 2cm side cubes can be placed in this cuboid? Ans 16
14. Decoding ... Ans SMILE
15. Age relation between mother and son..... Find the ratio of ages. Ans 25/7
16. how many 2 digit prime no.s divided by 7 and remainder 2. Ans 4
17. The position of A is 7th from left and position of b is 9th from right and they exchange their each other's positions. The position of A is 11th from left.How many men? Ans 19
18. A is brother of P, B is daughter of A, C is brother of B. Who is the uncle of B? Ans P
19. Day : Night Ans Man : Woman(check)
20. Ganesh.............. Ans Ganesh
21. HCTAM = MATCH then ELBAC = ? Ans CABLE.
22. 3 problems on algorithms ie. eg.
1. A=0, B=1, C=1
2. A is replaced by C
3. B is replaced by 2A+1
4. C is replaced by A+B
5. If C>=100 goto step 7 else goto step 6
6. goto 2
7. stop.
then you have to ans. some 3 questions based on the above algorithm.
i) What is the value of A? Ans 40
ii) What is the value of B? Ans 27
iii) What is the max no. of iterations till C<= 100. Ans 3
23. A father has age thrice that of his son? After how many years will
his age be double that of his son . If son's present age is 20
years...... Ans 20 years ( http://www.go4campus.com/ )
Round 2 after Logical test:
Q1 A & B are 2 men . A speaks truth 75% cases and B speaks 80%. Find the probablity of contradicting each other. Ans 35%
Q2 Present population of town is 35,000 having males and females. If The population of males is increased by 6% and if the population of females is increased by 4%, then after 1 year the population becomes 36,700.
Find the number males and females. Ans18,000
Q3 & 4 L.C.M. * H.C.F. = Product of two no.s(a and b)
Questions based on the above formulae.
Q5 Tickets(from 1 to 15) and the probablity of drawing two tickets
without replacement having even no.s . Ans 1/5
Q6 Room ( 8m * 5m)
Brick Size (20cm * 10cm)
Find the no. of bricks. Ans 2000
Q7 Length of rectangular plot is 3 times its breadth having area 3 hectare . A man walks on its perimeter at 4 km/hr .Find the time required ?
Ans 12 min
Q8 Equation Simultaneous Ans None of these
Q9 Ratio of wine and water. Ans 40
Q10 Circumference 6 km .3 men A, B, C respectively speeds Km/hr 3,
5/2, 5/4. Distance travelled to meet. Ans 24 km.
Q11 Speed of trains A and B are 29 & 56 km/hr travelling in the same direction. Man in slower train passes in 16 min. Find the length of the train. Ans 120m
Q12 Passing marks 40%.... Ans Max marks = 625 ( http://www.go4campus.com/ )
Q13 Max. marks 500.
A gets 90% of B. B gets 25% more than C. C gets 80% of D. Marks of A are given then find the percentage marks obtained by D. Ans = 80%
Q14 Carpet 2m wide. Area to be covered = 30m * 18m.
Cost of the carpet = 50p per m.
Find total cost of carpeting. Ans Rs 135.
Q15 Square of side 100m. It has a circular fountain at the centre with
radius 21m....
Q16 A no. 4 * (sum of digits) = number Ans 24
G.D. Topics:
1) Roses are red.
2) Genetic cloning.
3) Arranged marriage and love marriage.
4 dil chahatta hai or lajja
thums up or coca cola
mercy killing
xerox and photocopy etc
etc were gd topics in our coll
kanbay 8 th aug
There are two section
1)aptitute - 30 q
2) maths - 30 q
If you score 12 &12 (cut off ) in each selection you will be get
selected for the gd and then again shortlisted for the
many question are same as asked in other institute
1) day:night:: then
a) man:woman
b) spring:summer
c) light : dark
then code of .......
ans) choose every third alphabet
3) 5 * 4 = 12
and 8* 7 =42
then 9* 6 = ?
solution (9-2)*6 =
.if a certain money becomes twice in 5 years(simple
the 300 rs. will become 2400 at the same rate in how
many years........
ans 35 year
5)after giving 35.66% discount. a saler makes a loss
of 11.11 rs..............
6).there is a number when diveded by 5 gives a
remainder 3 and when divede by 7 gives a
remainder of 5 Ans is 33.
7).a boat is going along the stream and returning in
the opposite direction of stream it travels
10 km along stream.the sppeed of stream is 3
km/hr,then find the speed of boat.
( i donot know the exact question)
9).A and B runing around a circle of perimeter of
1200meter(may be differ).A is runing at 210
meter/minute and B is runing
190 metre/minute in oppsite direction to each other.at
wich time they will meet.
ans) 3 mins
( A question was asked of this type)
.A person goes to the house of Sita who is the
neighbour of Gita. Amar married with Anita who is the
sister of Sita.
Ashu is the father of Amar.(a) What is the relation
between Sita and Amar?
(b) What is the relation
between Amar and Gita?
iVega Placement Paper
The written test----will be of 30 min. n 40 qns.. all r multiple choice qns.
includes eng,apt-maths,gk
gk-such as wht'z the diff bn GMT & IST..ans is +5.5 hrs..
apt-from RSAgarwal--train,time,distance,work,geometric-area,volume...
eng-from GRE syn,ant,fill in blnk..........
GD -----will be of 15-20 min abt a topic...
introduce urself and discuss abt topic....
some topics r: Love marriages vs arranged.,Indian culture is westrenizing.,
TV programs r women oriented, women equal to men,
Politician-do they need min. educational qualification..............
that's all abt 2 rnds,
Then tech intr...
Lastly HR rnd..........
After clearing all rnds u r IN.......as IVEGA emp........
Ivega was started in 1997, now the employee strength is 127, it is located in globle village , behind R V College of Engineering. it is a very small company.work is good i suppose. this recruitment is due to its merger with a france based company. i dont think that pay will be very good. regarding platforms they r presently working on .NET , ASP, JNI, JAVA.
The test is of 30 min...
it contains
1.english Verbal GRE synonyms antonyms
2.aptitude Aggarwal book
3. General knowledge
4.anlatical reasoning
Total 50 Q
Ivega conducts an aptitude test.....in which there are
50 ques to answer in 30 minutes.i think it would be
best to go thru aptitude books like r.s.
aggarwal.moreover, there are 5 rounds to get
thru....viz. aptitude test, G.D., hr interview,
technical test, C.O.O.'s interview.
anyway, all the best....
about the test.....
It was mix of all, like there were some aptitude questions, reasoning,
English grammer but surprisingly no analytical questions...for the
pattern given to me.
there were some general awareness questions like when does Olympics
a man is given 8 $ per hour and he works for 8hr per day, for working
xtra hr he gets 1.5 times more than wht he usually gets. if he gets 80$
for one particular day, then how many did he work??
test duration : 30 minutes
no of questions : 50.
Topic for GD : should western dress code be cumpulsory for IT jobs.
iSoft Tech Placement Paper
2 verbal - 15 ques
3 technical " c " - 30 ques
analytical - 3 calendar questions., 1 relationship question(answer grand son) , it was an easy paper { only calendar q were tough for me}
verbal - 5 fill in with choices { answers i got were E,E,E,E,E)
C Questions
2.e(int n)
...(not clear)
3.which has no problem with pointers
int *f1()
int n;
return (n)
int *f2()
int *p;
return p;
int *f3()
int *p;
return p;
ans:no error
4.header file ->contains declarations.
5.sizeof operator is executed during compile time..
are these two same?
not same.
7.func(int i)
static int count;
ans:1+2+3...(counts values does not go after funtion call
8.is('a'<'b') true
10.short int=16 bits
11.4 stmt. ans.int float i;
12.int num[3];
ans:first stmt deals with size
second deals with element
Interwoven Placement Paper
1. Why do you want to leave current company ?
2. Explain MVC architecture and functionalities of various components ?
3. I have a file of very very large file size at client side, and I have a JSP page. Using this JSP page, if I want to send the file to a servlet (this servlet will store it somewhere), what is the best method to do it ?
4. What is the difference between normal beans and EJBs ?
5. How system level services in EJBs are managed ? And tell about Deployment Descriptor ?
6. What are various types of EJBs ?